How to Move Your Workplace to Windows 365 Cloud PC

Caucasian business man talking with african male partner coach on video conference call discussing social distance work at virtual remote meeting videoconference chat using pc computer at home office.

Have you ever heard a technology transition horror story?

They usually go something like this: A business leader decides an upgrade is needed. They rush to roll out a new software. Everyone in the business abandons the old platform, only to find that the new platform has some critical flaw or is horribly difficult to use.

Everyone struggles along as well as they can, until the leader admits failure and reverts to the old solution. The whole process typically costs way too much money and time.

It’s also incredibly frustrating.

Good news: You can avoid this type of horror story.

Technology upgrades are inevitable; we’ve seen firsthand that 2021 is the year many businesses are moving to Windows 365 Cloud PC. That involves some complexity, but the movement to the new platform doesn’t have to be difficult – if you approach it via an intelligent process.

Here’s how to move your workplace to Windows 365 Cloud PC – without all the frustration.

1. Identify your needs.

The first step in transitioning your office to Windows 365 Cloud PC (and a fundamental part of any technology transition) is to identify your requirements.

There are variety of considerations to make:

How many users do you have? Windows 365 Cloud PC is a scalable solution, so you can add and subtract seats pretty easily – but you’ll still want to have an idea of what you need to get started.

Should users share pooled machines or have dedicated virtual machines? Pooled machines are distributed as users log on, meaning that individuals don’t have their own desktops. Dedicated virtual machines enable individual employees to have individual desktops.

How much computing power do you need? If you’re running specialty programs, you may need a lot. If you’re running business basics (like the Microsoft Office Suite), you may not need too much.

An Windows 365 Cloud PC consultant can help you to specify a solution that will work for your business.

2. Implement a free trial of Windows 365 Cloud PC.

Once you have your requirements specified, a good next step is to implement a trial of the solution.

Most customers can take advantage of Microsoft’s free trial offerings; currently, there’s an offer available for 12 months of free Azure services, including Windows 365 Cloud PC. The benefit of a free trial is straightforward: You get to determine if the solution works for your business without the risk of an upfront cost.

You might be surprised, though, by how technically complex a trial is to set up. Again, working with a Windows 365 Cloud PC consultant can ensure that the signup and setup process goes smoothly.

3. Test the solution.

Once you have access to Windows 365 Cloud PC, a good next step for most businesses is to test the solution with a subset of users.

There are many names for this practice; it’s sometimes called a proof-of-concept or a partial deployment, among other things. The purpose is straightforward, though – to make sure the platform actually works in practice with a few people before deploying it to everyone.

This reduces risk. If for some reason the solution isn’t a good fit for your needs (unlikely), you’ll be able to revert to your standard platforms without too much trouble. And testing enables you to smooth any bumps in your business processes, so that when you’re ready to bring everyone onto the platform, things go more smoothly.

4. Deploy the solution.

Once you’ve tested Windows 365 Cloud PC, you’re likely ready to deploy the solution across your business.

The focus during this stage is to interrupt normal business operations as little as possible by making the transition as easy as possible for your users.

User training plays a big role in this. Ideally, you should conduct user training during lead-up to the transition so that employees know exactly how they’ll access and use Windows 365 Cloud PC.

Then, it’s ideal to provide easy access to support, especially during the early stages of the transition. If someone isn’t sure how to access the solution or what protocols to follow when they’re on it, it’s great to have experts readily available to assist them.

5. Optimize the solution based on actual usage.

Finally, as your business uses Windows 365 Cloud PC, it’s best practice to review the platform and ensure that it’s meeting your needs. There may be areas of adjustment; for example, you may consider upgrading security configurations after seeing how users behave, or you may realize that your resource requirements aren’t quite what you thought they were.

As we’ve said many times, a key benefit of the cloud is its flexibility. An IT consultant can help you to flex your solution so that it fits you ideally.

Ready to take the first step toward deploying Windows 365 Cloud PC?

This process will make your transition smoother – but the best way to reduce risk and get up and running quick is to work with a Windows 365 Cloud PC consultant.

A consultant can help your business to overcome technical hurdles and provide responsive support to users to ease the transition.

At Exigent, we’ve been helping businesses to meet the demands of their fussiest Microsoft Windows power users since 1997, and our staff has over 200 years of cumulative experience implementing and supporting Microsoft technologies.

In other words, we know Windows 365 Cloud PC inside and out, and we can help guide you through the transition with white-glove support to make the process quick and seamless.

Schedule free consult today and ensure your move to Windows 365 Cloud PC doesn’t have any plot twists.