Fireball Malware Protection and Removal Advice

Protect yourself and network from the Fireball Malware

Malware is increasingly being used by scammers to generate huge profits, and if the recent Fireball malware is any indication, scammers are more sophisticated than ever. The Fireball malware hijacks your web browser, changing your homepage and default search engine while preventing you from changing them back. It also gathers your private information and can be used to easily download more malware onto your computer.

Luckily, you have plenty of time to take precautions that will protect your computer from this rapidly growing threat. Here are some steps to take to make sure you aren’t infected by Fireball, and how you can protect yourself.

How to tell if your computer is infected

Even if you haven’t purchased any Rafotech products, there’s a chance your employer has; Fireball has infected 20 percent of corporate networks worldwide. The easiest way to check if your computer is infected is to open your web browser. Has your home page changed without any action on your part? What is your default search engine? Does your browser have any unfamiliar extensions?

If any of these things have changed without your input, there’s a good chance your computer is infected.

What to do if my computer is infected

Luckily, it’s pretty easy now to remove Fireball. Once you identify the software responsible for the infection, pull up your computer’s control panel and uninstall it. Next, run your computer’s anti-malware software. Finally, go into your computer’s extensions and uninstall any that you find suspicious. It might also help to restore your web browser to its default settings.

If your work computer is infected, contact your IT services provider and let them know as quickly as possible so that they can help you and prevent a company-wide infection.

How can I prevent my computer from being infected?

The simplest way to prevent infection is to avoid Rafotech products. If you worry that your work computer is vulnerable, consider talking to your IT department and making sure your anti-malware software is up to date.

One of the best ways to prevent any sort of infection is to have several layers of protection. These layers can include a good anti-malware software, anti-virus software, rootkit removers, a firewall, and spam filtering. Consider installing privacy extensions on your browser as well, which can prevent ad trackers from infiltrating your browser.

Are there any other precautions I can take?

Backing up your computer’s files to the cloud and maintaining a system restore point are both excellent fail-safes in the event of a severe malware infection. Likewise, make sure your computer’s anti-malware software is updated regularly, and that you run it on a regular schedule.

Additionally, you can get in touch with Exigent Technologies in New York, NY and Mt. Arlington, NJ for IT Security, Cybersecurity & Compliance and additional services.