New Jersey Top Docs Choose Exigent and each other.

The recent press release, “New Jersey Top Docs Choose Exigent Technologies for IT Support & Services” drew attention to the fact that several of the physicians and practices named in the popular listing published by New Jersey Monthly magazine engage us for their IT support and outsourcing.

According to the information on the NJ Monthly website, the list is comprised of doctors that were chosen by their peers as the physician that they would call on for themselves or a family member in need.

This makes perfect sense to me.  Yet several of the doctors that I have spoken to, both those that that made the list and others that didn’t, have curiously downplayed their appearance or lack thereof on the list.

Surely, being included on this list means something positive.  I’m not touching this one with a ten foot pole.  Suffice it to say we’re smitten to count many of the state’s top docs as our clients – PERIOD.