It’s not fair that only kids get to buy all the fun back-to-school fundamentals—pencils, folders, spiral notebooks. While we probably can’t make business technology shopping rank with getting a new Batman lunchbox, we can help you determine what your business should be considering as your team heads back to the serious work of Q4 in a few weeks after more leisurely effort during the hot summer months.
Modernizing business technology is a perfect fit if your organization is looking for ways to enhance efficiency, security, and competitiveness – and who isn’t? The pros of swapping outdated, even obsolete, technology are many: cost savings, improved performance, scalability, increased security, a better user experience, and more. But the real advantages go much deeper.
Business tech updates enable your team to compete more effectively. In a recent article in Forbes, the author called out the impact modernization can have on the customer experience, operational efficiencies, and cost savings. Have you considered the competitive advantage of having a digital transformation strategy?
Legacy technology replacement planning can make your organization more attractive when it comes to hiring talent. In 2022, global management consulting firm Bain surveyed workers to uncover what attracts and retains talent at various organizations. They uncovered that more than 80% of employees say using modern tools and methodologies is very important. The reasons vary, but most employees cite the important role of effective technology when it comes to being innovative, effective, and productive. Keep in mind, most people enjoy far more advanced tech solutions in their own, from cutting-edge laptops to lightning-fast internet, and over the last decade or so, expectations of similar IT capabilities in the workplace have increased dramatically. Don’t be surprised if your recruits for key roles ask questions about your current business technology essentials and then about future digital transformation investments with an eye on understanding how important innovation is for your organization.
We all know that customer experience is key for differentiation in the marketplace – we all need those 5-star Google reviews. To take full advantage of a customer’s lifetime value, a measure of the revenue generated over their relationship with a company, businesses must stay ahead of the competition, and that can mean constantly evaluating and investing in business tech upgrades. It doesn’t take much to lose a customer – a cyber attack or data breach, a few bad reviews about slow order fulfillment, an email, phone message, or web form request that slips through the cracks, etc. Many customer experience debacles can be avoided with upgraded IT, which makes your technology modernization plan an essential part of your business success roadmap.
While security alone is a compelling reason for legacy system replacement, your tech refresh strategy will resolve other costly concerns, including:
One sexy technology that gets a lot of attention is generative AI. The use cases for this powerful technology range from creating new opportunities to scale your marketing efforts to research and data analysis to automating the customer experience. In fact, research giant Gartner predicts that by 2025, AI will be a top five investment priority for more than 30% of CIOs. Other breakthrough technologies on the horizon include sophisticated cybersecurity solutions, sustainable tech, and even the next step in cryptocurrency.
While IT upgrades for Q4 can’t compare with the new sneakers and a cool backpack we all looked forward to as kids, having clarity about what you need to start doing for a successful business tech overhaul can be exciting. If you are looking for insight on how cloud computing can support your digital transformation or any guidance on the right cutting-edge tech for your particular business focus, Exigent can help.
Daniel Haurey Jr. is the president and founder of managed IT services provider Exigent Technologies, which he founded in 1997. Under his leadership, the MSP has earned accolades ranging from Channel Futures MSP 501 to being named SonicWall’s 2024 MSP Growth Partner of the Year. Dan is a true entrepreneur, dedicated to growing, investing in, and mentoring small businesses. You can find him on LinkedIn, where he regularly posts about technology, business, leadership, and community.